Responses to Ex Asking How are You

199 Responses to Ex Asking How are You

When your ex asks, “How are you?”, it’s important to approach the situation with sensitivity, carefully considering the implications and potential responses.

We have got you a list of responses that you can say when your Ex asks how are you.

Responses to Ex Asking How are You

Responses to Ex Asking How are You
  • “I’m doing well, thank you for asking.”
  • “Life’s been great lately.”
  • “I’ve been keeping busy with work and hobbies.”
  • “I’ve been focusing on personal growth, it’s going well.”
  • “I’m in a good place right now.”
  • “I’ve been finding joy in the little things. How about you?”
  • “Doing better with each passing day.”
  • “I am well, thank you.”
  • “I’ve been working on some exciting projects lately.”
  • “I’ve been spending time with loved ones.”
  • “I’m doing well, thank you for asking.”
  • “Life is good! Hope it’s the same for you.”
  • “Much better now, thank you.”
  • “I’m great! How about you?”
  • “Better than ever!”
  • “Keeping busy and staying positive.”
  • “Living the dream, as always.”
  • “Just living one day at a time.”
  • “Doing well, and you?”
  • “Doing my best, as always.”
  • “I’m good, no complaints.”
  • “Fantastic! Thanks for asking.”
  • “Feeling strong and optimistic.”
  • “Living and learning. How about you?”
  • “Can’t complain, all is well.”
  • “Good, thank you.”
  • “Keeping my head up.”
  • “Chasing dreams. How about you?”
  • “Nice of you to ask, I’m doing well.”
  • “Feeling blessed and grateful.”
  • “I’m doing fine, thank you.”
  • “Doing well, thanks for checking in.”
  • “I’m in a good place right now.”
  • “I’m doing better every day.”
  • “Staying positive and moving forward.”
  • “Living life to the fullest!”
  • “I’m alright, how about you?”
  • “I’m good. Thanks for asking.”
  • “Excellent, thank you.”
  • “I’m in high spirits.”
  • “Better and better every day.”
  • “Doing well and staying positive.”
  • “I’m happy and content.”
  • “I’ve been good, hope you have too.”
  • “Living life and loving it.”
  • “Can’t complain, things are looking up.”
  • “I’ve been doing great.”
  • “Feeling healthier and happier.”
  • “Positive and productive, thank you.”
  • “I’m doing okay, thanks for asking.”
  • “Things are going well, how about you?”
  • “Better than I’ve ever been.”
  • “Staying busy and living life.”
  • “I’m happy, thanks for asking.”
  • “Good, staying positive.”
  • “Doing great, thank you.”
  • “I’m alright, thank you.”
  • “Keeping well, thank you.”
  • “I’m fine, thanks.”
  • “I’m doing quite well.”
  • “Keeping positive and staying busy.”
  • “Doing my best, thank you.”
  • “I’m well, thank you.”
  • “I’m content, thank you.”
  • “Things are good, thank you.”
  • “I’m okay, thanks for asking.”
  • “Great, thank you.”
  • “I’m good. How about you?”
  • “Feeling good, thank you.”
  • “I’m well, hope you are too.”
  • “I’m doing well, thank you. Hope the same for you.”
  • “Keeping busy as usual.”
  • “I’m fantastic! Thanks for asking.”
  • “Living my best life.”
  • “I’m really good, thanks for asking.”
  • “Things are looking up.”
  • “Great, thank you.”
  • “Much better now.”
  • “Good. And you?”
  • “Life’s good.”
  • “Doing great, how about you?”
  • “I’ve been better, but thanks for asking.”
  • “Taking one day at a time.”
  • “I’m just getting on with my life.”
  • “I’m really enjoying my freedom.”
  • “Taking care of myself and loving it.”
  • “Thriving and not just surviving.”
  • “Just rolling with the punches.”
  • “I’m actually quite well.”
  • “Things are going really well for me.”
  • “Blossoming in my own space.”
  • “Same old, same old.”
  • “I’m in a good place right now.”
  • “Feeling stronger every day.”
  • “Improving with each passing day.”
  • “Couldn’t be better.”
  • “More productive than ever.”
  • “Making the most of my time.”
  • “Learning to be happy on my own.”
  • “It’s a mixed bag, but I’m managing.”
  • “I’ve got a lot going on, but I’m handling it.”
  • “I’m doing okay.”
  • “I’m in a better place than I was.”
  • “I’m glad you asked because I am doing amazingly well!”
  • “Living life to the fullest.”
  • “I’m doing just fine.”
  • “Smiling more, worrying less.”
  • “In a good headspace.”
  • “I’m in a really positive place right now.”
  • “Figuring things out.”
  • “Better every day.”
  • “Enjoying my own company.”
  • “Taking it easy.”
  • “Staying positive and moving forward.”
  • “Keeping my spirits high.”
  • “Staying busy and focusing on myself.”
  • “Learning new things about myself every day.”
  • “Feeling light and carefree.”
  • “I’m doing alright, I guess.”
  • “Taking life one day at a time.”
  • “Doing great, thanks!”
  • “I’m at a really good stage in my life.”
  • “I’m focusing on my personal growth.”
  • “I’m happy and content.”
  • “Making progress and feeling good.”
  • “I’m investing in myself.”
  • “I’m better off now.”
  • “I’ve never been better.”
  • “Living and learning.”
  • “I am doing quite well, thank you for asking.”
  • “Better than ever before.”
  • “Thank you, I’m fine. Hope you’re well too.”
  • “I’m in a great place right now, thanks for asking.”
  • “Never felt better, thanks.”
  • “Just keeping on, keeping on.”
  • “Thanks for checking in.”
  • “Doing well, thanks.”
  • “I appreciate you asking.”
  • “In high spirits.”
  • “I’m okay, just another day.”
  • “Things are looking up.”
  • “Feeling good, thank you.”
  • “Doing fine, hope you are too.”
  • “Can’t complain.”
  • “I’m doing well, life goes on.”
  • “Hanging in there.”
  • “I’m good, always moving forward.”
  • “Focusing on self-improvement.”
  • “Living and learning.”
  • “Taking one day at a time.”
  • “Getting by. How about you?”
  • “I’m doing well. Hope all is well on your end too.”
  • “Well, thank you.”
  • “Better and better each day.”
  • “I’m doing alright, how about you?”
  • “Staying positive and keeping busy.”
  • “Pretty good, thank you.”
  • “Doing well, thanks for asking.”
  • “I’m fine, thank you.”
  • “Feeling good, how about you?”
  • “Just going with the flow.”
  • “Improving day by day.”
  • “I’m alright, thanks for asking.”
  • “Doing my best to stay positive.”
  • “Keeping busy and staying positive.”
  • “I’m doing alright, thanks.”
  • “On the up and up.”
  • “Good, thanks for asking.”
  • “Feeling great, thank you.”
  • “I’m doing just fine.”
  • “I’m well, thank you for asking.”
  • “I’m good, thanks for asking.”
  • “Doing well, hope you are too.”
  • “Happier than I’ve been in a while.”
  • “Getting stronger every day.”
  • “Staying positive.”
  • “Just taking things day by day.”
  • “Keeping my head up.”
  • “Doing well, just staying busy.”
  • “Going strong.”
  • “I’m alright, thanks for asking.”
  • “Good, and you?”
  • “I’m well, thank you.”
  • “I’m okay, how about you?”
  • “Just taking it easy.”
  • “Doing well, just keeping busy.”
  • “Doing great, thank you.”
  • “Fine, thank you.”
  • “I’m okay, thank you for asking.”
  • “Living the dream.”
  • “Just taking one day at a time.”
  • “Staying positive and keeping busy.”
  • “Just living life.”
  • “Doing well. Thanks for asking.”
  • “Feeling blessed.”
  • “Better with each passing day.”
  • “Taking it one day at a time.”
  • “I’m good, thanks for checking in.”
  • “So far, so good.”

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