100+ Responses to They Are Growing Up So Fast

Here is a list of responses that you can say to someone who is growing up so fast.

Responses to They Are Growing Up So Fast

Responses to They Are Growing Up So Fast
  • “Indeed they are, it feels like just yesterday they were learning to walk.”
  • “You’re telling me, I can hardly keep up!”
  • “It’s true, they’re sprouting like little sunflowers!”
  • “I know, right? Time flies when they start growing.”
  • “I can’t believe it myself, they’re maturing at lightning speed.”
  • “Absolutely, it seems like they’re changing every single day.”
  • “They really are, every time I blink they seem taller.”
  • “Isn’t it astonishing? Feels like they’re in a hurry to grow up.”
  • “Agree, they’re blossoming so quickly.”
  • “No kidding, it’s like watching a fast-forward video.”
  • “I can’t argue with that. It’s like time has a fast-forward button.”
  • “Precisely, it’s amazing and bittersweet at the same time.”
  • “Indeed, they’re not little anymore, are they?”
  • “It’s like they’re on a growth spurt marathon.”
  • “I can’t believe how fast they’re growing, it’s mind-boggling.”
  • “So true, it’s a beautiful journey to witness.”
  • “It’s remarkable, isn’t it? They grow up in the blink of an eye.”
  • “It feels like they’re growing up at warp speed.”
  • “I’ve noticed that too, they’re turning into fine young individuals.”
  • “You bet, I hardly recognize them week on week.”
  • “You said it, they’re growing faster than weeds.”
  • “It’s like they’re in a race!”
  • “They are, it’s incredible how quickly they change.”
  • “Indeed, they’re on an express train to adulthood.”
  • “You’re so right, it’s like they’re in a time-lapse video.”
  • “So true, it’s like they’re outgrowing their clothes overnight.”
  • “I couldn’t agree more, they’re shooting up like bamboo!”
  • “They sure are, it’s amazing to see how fast they mature.”
  • “Each day brings something new with them.”
  • “You’re spot on, it seems like they grow an inch every night!”
  • “Indeed, they’re growing faster than I can keep track.”
  • “They’re growing up at a staggering pace.”
  • “I completely agree, they’re growing like wildflowers.”
  • “You’re right, they’re growing at the speed of light.”
  • “Undeniably, they’re maturing faster than we can comprehend.”
  • “It’s like they’re climbing up an invisible growth ladder.”
  • “They certainly are, it’s like they’re transforming right before our eyes.”
  • “You’re not wrong, it seems like they’re evolving every day.”
  • “Agree, it’s like we’re living in a time-lapse!”
  • “They truly are, it’s like watching a butterfly emerge from its cocoon.”
  • “You’re telling me, it’s like I need to buy new clothes for them every week.”
  • “It’s true, they’re growing so rapidly.”
  • “I hear that, it’s like they’re growing at a super-speed.”
  • “You’re so right, it’s like their growth is set on fast-forward.”
  • “I couldn’t agree more, it’s like they’re accelerating towards adulthood.”
  • “You’re not kidding, it’s like watching a time-lapse of a growing tree.”
  • “I’m with you, it’s like they’re developing at a turbo speed.”
  • “It’s amazing to see how quickly they’re maturing.”
  • “You’re spot on, they’re growing faster than a speeding bullet.”
  • “Indeed, it’s like they’re racing against time.”
  • “Indeed, they grow up in the blink of an eye.”
  • “It seems like only yesterday they were just a baby.”
  • “They really do. Time flies!”
  • “It’s amazing to witness their growth and development.”
  • “Yes, it’s a beautiful journey to be a part of.”
  • “I can hardly keep up!”
  • “It’s fascinating how quickly children adapt and learn new skills.”
  • “So true! It’s a reminder to cherish every moment.”
  • “It’s bittersweet, watching them become more independent.”
  • “Nothing puts time into perspective quite like watching a child grow up.”
  • “Yes, they are. Every day brings something new.”
  • “It’s wonderful yet slightly heart-wrenching.”
  • “Absolutely, and each stage of their growth has its joy.”
  • “They do and it’s amazing being a part of their journey.”
  • “They grow physically, but their personalities and intellect grow as well.”
  • “Are they ever! I can’t believe how much they’ve grown.”
  • “Indeed, and with growth comes new adventures.”
  • “Yes! It’s amazing to see how much they’ve learned and grown.”
  • “Yes, but each phase of growth has its beauty.”
  • “They are growing fast, and it’s a privilege to watch.”
  • “Yes, they are, and it’s fascinating to watch them navigating the world.”
  • “Yes, makes us realise how fleeting childhood is.”
  • “Couldn’t agree more! Every new stage brings exciting development.”
  • “Yes, it’s a testament to the fleeting nature of time.”
  • “Absolutely! It’s a joy to watch them explore and learn.”
  • “They do. And each moment is a precious memory.”
  • “I know! It seems like they are on fast forward.”
  • “Yes, it’s a wonderful, yet swift journey.”
  • “Yes, and with each day they become more and more their person.”
  • “Absolutely. It’s a constant reminder of the passage of time.”
  • “It’s amazing, isn’t it? The days are long but the years are short.”
  • “So true. It’s a rewarding experience to see them grow.”
  • “Yes, it’s a beautiful thing to witness.”
  • “Indeed, it’s like watching a flower bloom in fast-forward.”
  • “They certainly do! It’s amazing to watch the transformation.”
  • “It’s like they shoot up overnight!”
  • “Yes, it’s a reminder for us to appreciate the present.”
  • “Every day they wake up a little taller, a little bolder.”
  • “It’s incredible, isn’t it? One minute they’re crawling, the next they’re running.”
  • “So true. It’s a remarkable journey to witness.”
  • “Who knew growth could be so swift and beautiful?”
  • “Yes, and it’s amazing to see their little personalities develop too.”
  • “It is bittersweet to watch them outgrow their childhood.”
  • “Yes, their curiosity and enthusiasm are expanding too.”
  • “It’s as though you blink and they’ve grown.”
  • “Yes, it’s a whirlwind of joy, tears, love, and growth.”
  • “Oh, they do! And each growth spurt brings new joys.”
  • “Yes, it’s like watching a book where each day is a new page.”
  • “Absolutely. It’s a constant reminder of how precious time is.”
  • “Yes, and it’s wonderful to see them blossoming into their own.”

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